How to improve the rental utilization rate of power bank sharing station

2022-08-19 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Professionalism is very important in anything you do. The same is true for power bank sharing stations. The same brand has different benefits for different merchants. Today let's see how to improve the rental of power bank sharing stations. usage?

1. Continuously develop high-quality merchants to settle in

The quality of the merchant has a great relationship with the rental rate of the power bank sharing station. For example, the power bank sharing station of the same restaurant is much better than the fast food restaurant, and some small newsstands with large passenger flow, Rental rates such as milk tea shops are also acceptable.

Therefore, agents need to observe their background income from time to time. For merchants with a low rental rate, the rental price can be appropriately lowered, or by placing the power bank sharing station light box equipment and placing the machine in a more conspicuous place in the store, these can increase the rental rate.

power bank sharing station

2. Replace the power bank with good power storage in time

For example, the power bank sharing station is used as an electronic product, and it will be attenuated to a certain extent if it is used more frequently. The power capacity may not be as much as it was at the beginning. When the agent receives the response from the merchant, for example, the power bank sharing station is rented out and used soon. If there is no electricity, then it may be that the charging treasure does not store electricity. As an agent, you need to replace the new charging treasure to the store in time. Return the old one to the factory.

3. Regularly clean and maintain the power bank equipment

Many agents will find that when their equipment is invested in new merchants in the early stage, the rental rate is not bad, but as time goes on, the rental rate gradually decreases. At this time, the agent needs to check whether the power bank is dirty. A very simple process, just wipe the power bank clean. And you can check whether the merchant has introduced other brands of power bank sharing station during maintenance, and if so, check the prices set by other brands, etc.

power bank sharing station

4. If the equipment is damaged, deal with the after-sales in time, and replace the power bank cabinet

If the merchant reports that the device is broken, the agent should replace it with a good power bank, take the broken device back for inspection, repair or return it to the factory for processing. The wrong way to operate is to directly return the device to the factory. If there is no good power bank equipment to replace, then the equipment may be repaired. The merchant has no power bank equipment in a short period of time, and directly introduces other brands. It will be difficult for you to enter the station.

The above are some methods on how to improve the rental utilization rate of power bank sharing station, I hope it can be helpful to you. As a power bank sharing station manufacturer, STW Technology provides a one-stop power bank sharing station agency franchise service, with 100% of the headquarters and 0 commission. Welcome to inquire and come to the company for on-the-spot investigation and negotiation.